Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Storm to Raise the Dead

Last night there was a huge storm that blew through all of central Virginia. The lightning was rapid and close to my quarters. There were periods of really hard rain and some hail. The storm started brewing around 5pm and I could still hear the angry sound of thunder until I went to bed at 11pm. This morning everything was damp and humid, but at least it no longer feels like walking into an oven every time I step outside.

I noted that yesterday I did some digging. The storm last night decided it would also like to do some digging and toppled quite a few trees in the Poplar Grove section of the park. Poplar Grove is a cemetery where many Union soldiers were buried after the siege of Petersburg was over. The uprooted trees unearthed two graves. One was a known grave but another was unknown. I haven't had a chance to go out there today, but below is a picture taken by one of the staff members who did. The picture shows one of the fallen trees... and yes that is a tombstone it its roots.

I haven't heard of any...remains being found but such things are not unheard of.

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