Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting Wet

Yesterday we took the campers down to Poor's Creek, which entails about a mile long hike. Once there we gave them rubber boots and nets. They were given free reign to wander the creek looking for frogs, minnows, crayfish, and anything else they could catch. They brought their finds back to a basin filled with water, where the specimens could be examined more closely. The kids had a great time wading into water that overflowed their boots, finding raccoon tracks, and splashing about.

Raccoon Tracks

Thinking themselves to be invincible since they were equipped with boots, some of the children proceeded to venture repeatedly into water that was much too deep. Time and time again they over topped their boots and were forced to empty them. I 'rescued' one boy from who was stuck in very soft muddy sand that came up to his shins. I nearly got stuck myself. Although my uniform pants were soaked from the knees down I was surprised that my government-issue hiking boots kept my feet completely dry. After several hours of this we were all bordering on  happy exhaustion. I dare say that the children's parents were silently grateful. I seriously doubt that many of them made it a mile before they nodded off in the back seat.

I spent most of today preparing for the camp that I've planned, which will take place next week. Several days will be dedicated to taking field trips to some archaeological sites. The rest of the time will be filled by activities that I've developed, planned, and scheduled. I'm a bit anxious that they come off well as the planning and implementation counts as my internship project. I have a bit more work to do on the activities this weekend.

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