Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day spent in the office...

I hate to say that today has been boring thus far, but it has. The group that I thought was coming today is actually coming tomorrow. My supervisor accidentally told me the weong date.There's not much for me to do except keep writting plans for activities that we'll hopefully use during the four day camp in July.

I did get to have breakfast with the several of the staff  this morning. Evidently its a Wednesday tradition to go to breakfast at Denny's. A lot of the things they talked about went right over my head. I'm still trying to figure out how everything works here.

One of those things that I learned this morning is that it is not allowable to wear crewneck shirts under a park uniform shirt. I didn't think this would be a big deal. I looked it up and was supprised to find that there is an actual rule on the matter. So far this has been my big revelation of the day. As I said, not very exciting.

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