Thursday, June 23, 2011

Visiting the Eagles

This morning the group that we were waiting for showed up about an hour after we thought they were going to. The group was larger than most (about 43 kids) and all of them were between the ages of 6 and 11. We did a few activities with them inside the education building and it was good for me to see the activities. I hesitate to say it, but I'm pretty sure I can improve on Leslie's delivery when I try it. The best thing about that group was that due to their late arrival Leslie had to leave to go to a doctor's appointment. I was left to take the entire group (thankfully with chaperones) on a hike to see the eagle's nest. We walked about half of a mile in the brutal heat, and along the way I was asked nearly two dozen questions about the cannons we saw along the way. "Why'd they turn green?" "Why's that one green and that one not?" "Are we gonna get to fire one?" We also talked about the wildlife in the area a bit. As we aproached the tree with the nest in it, almost as if on cue the kids saw one of the eagles, which had been circling over head, swoop and fly straight toward us. It easily swerved between the trunks of the giant pines and pulled up and away from us when it was about 40yrds away. I gave a good tour, but the birds made it great.

I happily tromped around the woods a bit after the group left trying to find good spots for a GPS searching game I'm going to try on the older kids. I feel like I've actually had a sucessful day.

I couldn't get a good picture of the eagles but this is their nest.
The estimate I heard was that its between 8 and 10 feet acorss

1 comment:

  1. Wow...that is very cool! Looking forward to hearing more stories of life on the battlefield.
