Tuesday, July 12, 2011

110 Degrees

According to reports the heat index has reached 110 today or it will soon. The heat is oppressive and there is no breeze. I'm not certain if I've ever been more soaked with sweat. The humidity it through the roof.

The plan for today was to take the campers out to look for boxes I hid in the woods using GPS receivers and compasses; basically a form of geocaching. Putting together this activity was part of my internship project, but I was worried that due to the short attention spans and the heat that the kids might hate it. However, they took to it immediately. So much so that the heat did not apparently bother them. I had to make them slow down and not leave their water bottles behind in their rush to find the treasure that the boxes contained. (Trading cards with the pictures of Civil War generals). I also, after more than an hour of slowly melting in the heat, had to make them come in though they all complained that they wanted to find the rest of the boxes.

I hope the activity will be a keeper for the park. I also hope it cools down before tomorrow when we go out with the park archaeologist on a dig.


  1. You tapped into every kids deepest fantasies with that activity, Mr Wilson!!! What kid doesn't dream of finding hidden treasure? It's brilliant! I hope you NEVER leave teaching. You are so living out your gifting!

  2. Thanks. The kids asked today if we were going to look for the rest of the boxes. We didn't have time, but i think I can count that as evidence of success.
