Friday, July 15, 2011


Today we took the camp to Prince George County Historical Society. Several of the archaeologists there gave presentations to the kids on local digs and the things they found. One of the presenters showed pictures of graves and lost cemeteries. There are evidently hundreds of these in central Virginia. She also showed us some of the more interesting grave retrieval projects she has done. I, with the little bit of background I have in anthropology, was fascinated by the whole thing. However, the kids were in over their heads and became frigidity after about 45min. I was actually impressed that they lasted so long. We were there for two hours and by the end of it the kids were fit to be tied. I'm not sure if the people at the historical society didn't understand that we were bringing 9 - 12 year olds or if my supervisor wasn't clear on what was needed. Both are equal possibilities.

I couldn't even get any good pictures for today. An interesting website was mentioned however. Find a Grave   

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